7 Reasons Why SEO Results Are Negative In 2020

Through website promotion, such tasks as attracting customers, increasing sales, business development, brand promotion are solved. Thanks to SEO, the site is successfully promoted in search, takes the first positions, and receives targeted traffic. Things don't always go smoothly. SEO promotion may not produce the expected results. In this case, the reasons will not be entirely obvious.

Reasons Why SEO Doesn't Work


1. Wrong definition of target audience.

You can use a variety of promotion tools, but they will not work when the target audience is wrongly identified. You will attract users, but you will not be able to convert them into buyers. For example, this is observed in the case of selling goods aimed at the VIP category of consumers. Customers are used to shopping at showrooms, so they are not interested in placing orders on your site. There they just look at the products and choose. If you don't have a store to which you can redirect site visitors, attempts to increase business conversions will be ineffective.

2. Decreased demand in the niche.

The emergence of new competitors, a crisis or over saturation of the market can lead to a drop in demand in your niche. Seasonality of the business can also be the reason for poor SEO results. If you do not track this factor, you can guess for a long time about the reasons for the lack of results in promotion. In such a situation, it is most correct to keep what has been achieved and keep the traffic volume. We need to work on maintaining the position and site traffic.

3. Refusal of the customer to participate in the work.

In the process of website promotion, the customer and the contractor must interact with each other. If the site owner is eliminated and is unwilling to address the current issues, the SEO results may be far from expected. A business owner knows the intricacies of his business better, so his participation in promotion is the key to success. When the performer does not receive feedback, he is forced to delay the process, which reduces the effectiveness of the promotion.

4. Lack of analytics.

SEO results should be monitored regularly. Failure to use analytics leads to a decrease in work efficiency. You cannot see mistakes in time, adjust the strategy, correct shortcomings. Analysis helps prevent problems. In the absence of monitoring the positions and status of the site, negative dynamics of development and promotion can be observed.

5. Using outdated techniques.

Someone else believes in the effectiveness of over-optimized texts and a large number of links. They use these SEO techniques and get negative results. Others believe that it is enough to optimize the site once for it to promote well and make a profit. But this is not enough. We need to constantly work on promotion, introduce different technologies, weed out ineffective tools.

6. Lack of strategy.

SEO can fail if you are chaotically applying different methods, starting one job and leaving it without reaching your goal. Only a systematic approach can lead to good results. We need to develop a strategy and adjust it if necessary. Consider the order of work for internal SEO, do not forget about external factors.

7. Low level of specialist.

If you are hiring one performer, it is important to check his competence. The lack of results in SEO can manifest itself due to the low qualifications of the optimizer. The same happens if the customer wants to save money and is looking for cheaper services. Professional promotion work is done by a team. This approach provides good returns and comprehensive problem solving.

SEO doesn't give instant results. After the work is completed, it takes time for indexation, growth of positions, formation of attendance. Consider this when evaluating the effectiveness of your promotion. And remember about the reasons, which are not always obvious and which take time to identify.

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