7 SEO Secrets Every Business People Should Know

Some entrepreneurs believe that SEO is easy. It is enough to order several dozen articles with the required density of key phrases on the exchange, buy or rent links, link pages, increase behavioral factors and wait for a profit.

This approach worked in the mid-2000s. If you do this today, you will, at best, run into a misunderstanding of the audience. And at worst, you will get sanctioned by search engines that will leave your site without organic traffic.

If you're just getting started with promoting a project online, try not to get stuck in the mid-2000s with their outdated approaches. The secrets below will help you with this.

SEO Secret #1: The Boundaries Between Online And Offline Marketing Have Disappeared


Online marketing is changing. Separate promotion methods, for example, SEO website promotion, contextual and banner advertising, SMM, content marketing, are combined into an integrative approach. You won't be successful in internet marketing by focusing on one area, like SEO. Moreover, don't expect to be successful online unless you are marketing offline.

Your offline reputation affects the position of the site in the search, the attitude of users to your content and products. Your online reputation affects offline sales and customer attitudes towards your real business. To successfully promote your project, do online and offline marketing.

SEO Secret #2: Site Positions In Search Do Not Belong To You


Google and other search engines are not required to index your site and include it in the search results. Search engines include in the index and place in the first positions of SERP resources that are of high value to the audience. Note again that search engines does not owe you anything. It should only be for its users who want to see in the delivery of quality resources that satisfy their information needs. Therefore, do not expect that search engines will carry you in their arms, even if you are a big businessman and invest a lot of money in the development of the site.

If you are ranked first in the search results for some queries, do not assume that this will go on forever without any effort on your part. To stay in the top, you will have to constantly improve your resource. As you know, it is difficult not to achieve something, but to stay at the achieved level. This axiom accurately describes the situation in search marketing.

If you ever stop and stop developing the resource, you will lose your position in the search results and traffic. Search traffic plays an important role in marketing in general, so you will see a drop in sales.

If you have recently created a website and you have a lot of competitors, it is better not to count on high positions in the SERP. Why this is so, and what to do, see the video.

SEO Secret #3: Even A Small Change Can Rob You Of Traffic


Sometimes sites fall out of favor with search engines because of minor changes made even by accident. This can be a new tweak in the navigation menu, changes in the header or page title, new text on the main page, even an outbound link.

Evaluate all changes on the site from the point of view of search engine marketing. First of all, we are talking about technical changes. However, this also applies to such trivial actions as the publication of materials. Be especially suspicious of search methods that promise quick results with little effort. For example, if in the mid-2000s stuffing the text with key phrases could increase traffic to the site, today this method can become the reason for search engine sanctions.

SEO Secret #4: Changing The CMS Can Make You Start From Scratch


Do you think the transition to a new functional "engine" gives impetus to the development of the site? In fact, migration to a new CMS can lead to a loss of ranking and traffic. Changing the "engine" is associated with the following risks:

- Violation of site architecture.
- Violation of the URL structure.
- Violation of internal linking.
- Loss of pages or content.
- Duplicate content due to broken URL structure.

CMS developers consider it a good form to report that their "engine" is optimized for search engines. This is true, CMS developers take into account the requirements of search engines. But this does not mean that when you change the "engine" you will automatically save all the SEO work done on the old CMS.

In most cases, the advertising phrase “SEO friendly CMS” means that the “engine” includes built-in solutions that allow you to work on internal optimization without the help of a programmer. For example, SEO-friendly CMSs allow you to change page URLs, add meta data, change page titles, create a sitemap, etc. using a web interface. In other words, an SEO friendly engine gives you handy tools. However, these tools don't work without your input.

SEO Secret #5: Mobile SEO Isn't Limited To Responsive Layouts


Some website owners believe that by investing in responsive layouts, they may not think about mobile SEO. In fact, you have to work hard to drive mobile traffic. Mobile optimization includes the following areas:

Optimization of navigation. Smartphone owners should be able to easily find the desired section of the site or follow the link in the menu.

Optimization of download speed. Mobile users don't like waiting, and search engines don't like sites that take a long time to load.

Accounting for user location. Mobile device owners often search for information on the go. If they need the address of your office in St. Petersburg, do not force them to look for it in the section "Our offices".

The ability to easily share content, call the sales department, subscribe to a newsletter, or take another conversion action.

SEO Secret #6: Change Remains The Only Constant in SEO


Search engine algorithms are constantly being improved. Search engines spend billions of dollars on research trying to teach robots to think like humans . Shoppers are changing their habits in response to new technologies. Therefore, you must constantly monitor the market, learn and improve.

SEO Secret #7: SEO Doesn't Exist


You've probably read a dozen articles about the death of SEO. At the same time, you see that the need for search engine optimization continues, and the optimizers continue to work. Therefore, you no longer pay attention to the words about the death of SEO: well, the agencies have changed their colors from search engine optimizers to incoming marketers, but the essence remains the same.

There is only one thing you need to remember from the talk about the death of SEO. The old SEO, which was built on the manipulation of search results, is dead. Today, search engine algorithms have improved so much that it has become more profitable for marketers and site owners to really develop their resources and make them valuable to users than trying to get to the top through tricks. Consider this a guide to action.

SEO's Biggest Secret

You guessed it, the biggest secret of search engine optimization is that there are no secrets. To successfully promote projects, you have to work hard. Yes, there are certain technical requirements for search engines. Yes, there are rules without knowing which you will receive a penalty. But all the requirements and rules have long been known.

Or maybe you still know some SEO secrets that no one knows about?

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