8 Elements To Optimize Your Perfect Landing Page

The Landing page or landing page is essential in your acquisition strategy. Used for most channels: SEO, sponsored links, Display, e-mail marketing, it aims to get the user to take an action on the site. In this article, you will discover the 8 essential elements to optimize for a successful landing page.


1. Relevance and correspondence 

Just as we speak of user experience for a site, we also speak of Landing Page Experience (LPX) to designate the behavior of the user with the landing page. The goal is to create a good LPX. The first step is to check the matching between the text of the ad (if it's SEA) or the Title / Meta description (if it's SEO) with the text of the landing page.

This relevance should be visible at first glance. It is therefore necessary to provide a clearly visible page title that corresponds to the Internet user's search. If the latter searched for "blue shirt", these keywords must be found in the title of the landing page.

2. Reinsurance information 

Reassure Internet users by inserting testimonials from satisfied customers. If you are selling products or services on your site, it is important to give guarantees of payment security. They are symbolized by images and icons.

3. Calls to action 

The objective of a landing page is to allow conversion, in other words to get the Internet user to perform an action on the site: subscription to a newsletter, purchase of a product or service, etc. To do this, you must set up call to action or "call to action" buttons. This button must be visible above the waterline, that is to say that the user does not need to scroll to see it.

It is also recommended to create another call to action at the bottom of the page to give the user the opportunity to be able to click on your button when he browses the page. The colors of CTAs are also very important. They must contrast with the rest of the page to be better visible.

4. Quality of graphic elements 

A relevant landing page contains neat graphic elements. Nothing worse to ruin your image than poor quality illustrations… Your credibility depends on it! Because even if your offer is qualitative, the form counts as much as the content

Note also that the presence of videos increases the time spent on the page and enriches the user experience, provided of course that they are of quality.

5. Use directional signs 

Directing the user's gaze to your form is a good tip for increasing the conversion rate. This is all the more useful when your page is rich in content because you have to keep in mind that you have only one goal: for the Internet user to take action! And increasing the number of arguments, photos and videos risks having the opposite effect, that of distracting the Internet user… Hence the importance of directional signs and CTAs.

6. A responsive design page

Should we still remember it? Not taking into account mobile compatibility is like shooting yourself in the foot! In 2019, the number of mobile Internet users exceeded that of desktop users. Not planning a mobile version is therefore a strategic mistake.

Also make sure that the CTA is clearly visible and suitable for all devices: desktop, tablet and smartphone.

7. A powerful page

At a time when Google puts the emphasis on user experience, performance plays a key role. This is all the more true for a landing page. It must charge at lightning speed! The design, images and all elements must be optimized. Don't hesitate to measure the page loading time to find areas for improvement. Here is a tool that can help you.

8. A habit to take: test, test and test

Beware of "a priority". Experiment with different versions of the page to find the one that performs the best. To be effective, the best is to test similar versions so that the conclusions are indisputable and avoid bias.

In conclusion 

The elements I just listed will help you optimize your landing page, but there is no miracle recipe. You have to adapt to the context, the market and the target. If you are speaking to professionals, you will not adopt the same vocabulary, nor the same advertising approach as if they were individuals. The content of your page will then be different.

Tests and experience are your allies to obtain optimal results for your landing page.

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