Krasnoyarsk Scientists Suggest Using Artificial Intelligence To Determine COVID-19

SFU scientists together with researchers from the SB RAS on the basis of the FMBA of Russia are working on the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus. The main task is to facilitate the work of physicians by creating an additional and easier method of diagnosis COVID-19.

Today, you can diagnose lung damage using tomography. Images of lungs affected by COVID-19 show characteristic signs: "frosted glass", consolidation and reticular changes.

"In fact, we have the opportunity not only to estimate the area of lung damage, but also to predict the outcome. In the future, with the expansion and improvement of image processing processes, it will be possible to significantly speed up the diagnosis process based on medical images, make it more accurate and objective thanks to the developed software and information support," said co — author of the study Angelika Kents.

Researchers began working on this topic at the beginning of the pandemic - then the first infected people began to appear in the city. Scientists have developed an algorithm for analyzing CT images of the lungs. With the help of radiomics, they used the technique of spectral decomposition. As a result, we were able to get clear and contrasting changes in the lungs.

"If you look at images processed using software applications, you will see a color contour image that highlights and segments the areas of pathological changes associated with Covid-19 in the peripheral parts of the lungs. Now we are at the very beginning of the road, the computational technology for analyzing and interpreting images using computer vision methods will be improved, and I hope it will significantly help doctors — especially radiologists, " said Konstantin Simonov, a leading employee of the IVM SB RAS.

Putin Instructed To Finance The Creation Of a National Genetic System

Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed to Finance the creation and operation of the system for storing genetic data "national database of genetic information", a message published on the Kremlin's website.

In particular, we are talking about developing formats for storing and transmitting information. Funds for this purpose will be allocated annually from the Federal budget starting from 2021.

The President also instructed to create the necessary equipment in Russia for world-class research in the field of genetics.

Earlier, Putin instructed to develop training courses on genetics for schools. The President also gave instructions to improve the qualifications of teachers in this subject area.

In addition, the President told what the future of Russian civilization depends on. According to him, the basis for the country's development should be artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles, genetics, medicine and education.

Putin Ordered The Creation of a National Database of Genetic Information

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the creation of a national database of genetic information. The corresponding document was published on the Kremlin's website on June 4.

The importance of the program for the development of genetic technologies is comparable to the nuclear and space projects of the twentieth century, the President believes

"The government of the Russian Federation with the participation Of the national research center "Kurchatov Institute", taking into account previously given instructions, should ensure the creation and operation of the information and analytical system for storing and processing genetic data "national database of genetic information",-the text of the instruction reads.

It is noted that starting from 2021, funds from the Federal budget will be allocated for the creation and operation of the database.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Director of the Kurchatov Institute Alexander Blagov were appointed responsible for the implementation of the order. The first report should be submitted by October 1, 2020, and then it will become an annual report.

The Russian leader also instructed the government to ensure domestic production of equipment capable of conducting research in the field of genetics at the same level as the world's leading centers.

In may, the President stated the need to develop high technologies for Russia. Putin called artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles, genetics, medicine and education components of the base on which the country will develop.

In the same month, a meeting was held on the development of genetic technologies, during which the head of state proposed to create a national database of genetic information in the country, using the country's " significant competence and experience in bioinformatics.

Putin Instructed To Provide Geneticists With Domestic Equipment

Russian leader Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian government to ensure the creation of laboratory and scientific equipment for genetic research. It is noted that it should be created in Russia, RIA Novosti reports.

"To ensure the creation in the Russian Federation of domestic laboratory and scientific equipment that allows for world-class research in the field of genetic technologies, as well as the production of consumables for it!", - reported on the Kremlin's website.

The first proposals for creating equipment for research in the field of genetics must be prepared before February 1, 2021, followed by an annual report.

Earlier, the national Assembly reported that the President indicated the areas that will be the basis for the country's technological development. These include genetics, medicine, education, artificial intelligence, and unmanned vehicles. They will form the basis on which the country will develop. The President also set a task to use Russia's competitive advantages in the field of high technologies.

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