Tips For Collaborating On Social Networks

Sometimes we go online with the wrong approach. Today the minds of many people who want to express their creativity and entrepreneurship through a profile on social networks, they do it with the sole purpose of being the best and compete, but today I will show you how you can collaborate on social networks without lose out.

I have always believed in "sharing more and competing less" , because nowadays all algorithms in social networks work in the same way, the account that is capable of producing good valuable content is awarded, and of course, between that valuable content is the strategy of humanizing your brand.

Besides, I think that if we are all working on the same goal, who is it? Well, all the users who are present on social networks and what objective? Growing in social networks, it is important to join forces so that the message you want to share arrives with greater impact.

A brand needs to share more and compete less


What do I mean when I say "share more and compete less" ?

Share more knowledge, share your achievements, share what you have discovered, share what will be helpful to another, even share your social media platform to become someone else's platform.

As well? I invite you to continue reading so that you can know what I mean.

My personal experience

I will tell you a story that I recently shared through a post on my Instagram.

I'm going to tell you the case of Grant Cardone.

A Grant Cardone is one of the greatest entrepreneurs, vendors and business coach recently and I met him years ago by friends, he had a small office in Miami , and now thanks to their professionalism and hard work have an empire. I had the opportunity to go to his first major event organized in Las Vegas in February 2020 and he was able to gather dozens of successful entrepreneurs to speak at his “totally free” event.

It was at that event that Russell Brunson , one of the greatest experts in online marketing, sold 3.2 million dollars on stage and Grant Cardone took 50% of that turnover.

And a year later in 2020, Grant once again repeated this great event in Miami with more than 10 thousand people in a stadium and reuniting with others bigger than him and some smaller ones.

What conclusion did this story leave me?

Without a doubt Grant, despite being called today as the "Guru behind sales" , did not skimp on holding an event to unite the most recognized profiles in the market and others not so much, who are in charge of working in their same niche We could say that they even share objectives.

He certainly broke paradigms! and he sets an example for you, as he gave me and my team at Convierte Más , of risking collaborating with your direct and indirect competitors.

He taught me that it is better to share more, because they join forces, than to spend a lifetime competing and without a doubt he is an example that we can take when collaborating on social networks.  Another of the things that I believe is that without a team it is difficult to conquer , that I have learned in detail with my entire work team, each one has different personalities and knowledge that they have obtained apart from what we can learn during the day work and that has made them a fantastic team.

My biggest secret

Any professional or business that wants to become an expert will always hire the best players, so everyone will win.

That is why I want to share some tips that I know will be useful when you want to collaborate with another professional or business.

Tips for collaborating on social networks

Now it is the turn of, based on my experience, to be able to make some final recommendations if you want to start testing collaborations on social networks:

Study the person with whom you want to collaborate and ask yourself why.

If your reason is "Because I want to be better known" you are definitely not ready for this conversation.

The reason and the main reason for wanting to collaborate will always be the strategic part but with the purpose of joining forces and learning from other professionals, do not break relationships with other entrepreneurs for the wrong reasons.

Not every opportunity will be good

We must evaluate and consider our profile and trajectory very well to avoid subjecting it to the wrong invitations. And yes, I tell you this because it also happened to me, I believed in each opportunity "one of those that does not happen again" and it turned out to be an experience that left much to be desired.

Not all opportunities will be good, even if it is the person, perhaps it is not the time or the conditions, or perhaps you long in your heart to achieve good collaborations in social networks, successful but out of desperation, you decide with the wrong one

Here that I extend because if you are a professional in your area and you are incredible (which I think you are) many people will want to take advantage of you, and those are things that out of respect for your work and what you dedicate and strive for, you should not allow.

Followers say nothing, content does

Confronting these two extremes, I am passionate about every day! Because my work together with my team will always be to bet on valuable content.

At the beginning we were surprised to enter an Instagram account with more than 10K followers, but nowadays before looking at the followers, it is important that you ask yourself the question: What does this account bring to my community for me to collaborate with him? /she?

In this way the followers will become something else, if they influence but I always recommend the following to my followers

If you have 1000 followers and of those 1000 followers, 500 interact with you through the stories, comment on your posts, like you, send your post and save it, then you are doing a wonderful job.
Because we all know a multitude of accounts with more than 10K followers but they have 40 comments in the odd post and 100 likes ... something smells bad to me, don't you think? But hey, this is an extensive topic and my purpose will always be to teach and educate them.

Make a proposal in which the brands involved win equally

When I refer to "winning" I do not do it specifically for money, since today there are thousands of ways to win when making a collaboration.

A collaboration does not take place when you win 70% on one extreme and 30% on the other, because the idea is to "share more and compete less", then it is necessary that the people involved can receive the same benefits. When it does not turn out to be the case, we can comfortably call it "liveliness" or indirectly it is said "I will take advantage of the talent of ..."

That is why many people and brands today distrust collaborations, because they give greater weight to competition than to gain experience and strengthen the union.

Leave everything in writing


When making a collaboration from request to closing, it is important to put everything in writing to avoid future confusion and problems while the collaboration is taking place.

So I recommend you make a PDF document where you can throw the following things:

- Name of the professional or the applicant brand
- Date the letter was made
- Reason for the letter (What do you want to achieve with the letter?)
- Name of the professional or brand with which you want to make the collaboration
- Explain why you want to collaborate
- Detail how the collaboration will be
- Highlight the conditions between both professionals or related brands
- Write what will be the benefits that these people involved will receive.
- What would be the results.
- Integrate clauses so that everything is specified and detailed in case of any mishap.
- Signatures of the brands or people involved.
- Integrate logos of personal or commercial brands.

Types of collaborations

Just as there are tips that should be considered when wanting to make a collaboration, in social networks and also in person, you can choose from various types of collaborations. Today I detail them so that you can select the one that best benefits you and likes you.

- Try the brand's products to give your opinion and recommendation
- Write a sponsored post, this can happen on social networks or also on a website.
- Be a guest brand ambassador.
- Attend an event
- Publish a flyer or a banner on your social networks
- Make invitations to trips, restaurants or hotels to recommend products.
- Carry out the design part of a product or service
- Make a Live on Instagram or Facebook
- Recommend a product
- Conduct an interview
- Discount code
- Guest Post (Like the ones I'm doing on my social networks that I call Guest Post)


All collaboration will always give you benefits, and more when you focus on sharing your content more than competing. This time I share my own experience through my instagram as @thedevanshpathak and through my Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and YouTube.

When I realized that it was too beneficial for me to initially share my knowledge for free through any platform, many more people followed me. Do you know why? Because people today value valuable content much more, and of course collaborations that are willing to share everything they know.

Without further ado I share some of the benefits that I have had:

- Increase in followers
- Reputation and branding strengthening
- Increase engagement
- Greater reach in your followers
- Possible sales and clients

So if you want to know which collaborations are strategic for you as a professional, blogger, influencer or as the owner of your own business that will benefit you according to your type of business, you must know the power of collaborations and how to generate win-win relationships.

Tell me how you think of this post in the comments and share with me if you have had a similar experience where you have learned that it is better to share more and compete less.

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