The Ultimate Guide For Free SEO

The term free SEO is a bit overused. While it may have meaning for an individual, it does not really have any meaning when it applies to a professional (a company). Free SEO actually echoes natural SEO , also known as SEO for Search Engine Optimization (or Search Engine Optimization). It therefore concerns all practices aimed at optimizing the presence of a website in the results of a search engine (mainly Google).

Why do we speak of free SEO?

We talk about free SEO because the latter does not require any particular expenditure in purchasing space, purchasing visibility or purchasing software. Indeed, to set up an effective natural SEO strategy it is only necessary to bring together two capital factors: knowledge and time.

We therefore touch here the limit of the term "free" for a professional, because for a company these two factors imply enormous costs. An SEO expert who also has writing and development skills comes at a high price. As for the second factor, the adage “time is money” is sufficient in itself to explain its cost. To meet a need for SEO, the most common strategy for a business is therefore to outsource the task to an SEO agency.

Free SEO vs. Paid SEO


Definition of paid SEO

If the term free SEO has come this far, it is in part thanks to the opposition that is made with so-called paid SEO.

To understand the concept of paid SEO, we refer in fact to advertising SEO: Adwords campaigns (Google's advertising agency).

Paid SEO consists of buying keywords at auction in order to make your site appear on the first page of Google when an Internet user searches for this keyword. These links appear at the top right of search results in reserved inserts. We call sponsored links.

Benefits of paid SEO

The so-called paid SEO has the particularity of being almost instantaneous. When the keyword buying campaign is activated, your site's visibility in search results is almost immediate. This therefore allows you to bring a lot of traffic to your site very quickly. However, the paid cost being per click (and some keywords being very expensive because very competitive), it is a practice to be carefully considered and to be included in a broader SEO strategy.

Benefits of "free SEO"

Free SEO (therefore natural) is in total opposition to paid SEO. It's a long-term process because implementing optimizations (sometimes very technical) takes time.

It is also important to regularly monitor your positions in order to adapt your strategy.

In return, natural SEO is sustainable. All the actions done on your site will benefit him ad vitam aeternam . They build the identity of your site, testify to its seriousness and its relevance. It is very difficult to dislodge a properly optimized site. It is a lasting and weighty advantage over your competition.

If paid SEO is a sprint, natural SEO is a long-distance race.

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