Frequently Asked Questions For Search Engine Optimization

How Much Does SEO Website Promotion Cost?

Imagine you wanted to buy a car. How much do you think the car will cost? From several thousand to several million. It all depends on the parameters: brand, configuration, engine power, etc.


So it is in the CEO. The price of website promotion always consists of many factors:

First, the cost depends on the region. In New York and other large cities, the competition between sites is tougher, which means that it is harder to reach the TOP here. Therefore, for clients in the regions, the prices for optimization will be lower.

Secondly, the cost is influenced by the theme of the site - again, due to competition. In competitive areas (dentistry, real estate, renovation, etc.), the price is always higher.

Thirdly, in the field of SEO, there are different methods of payment for services: per-tariff (when the cost is fixed), for traffic (when you pay for the number of users attracted to the site) and for positions (when you pay for the time the site is in the TOP of search engines). In this case, at the stage of coordinating the promotion strategy, you can choose the most optimal payment option for you.

Finally, the price depends on the set of services that are included in the SEO package. To make it clearer, we have made a special calculator where you can calculate the cost of website optimization and see what is included in it.

In our company, we most often use tariff payment. This is the most transparent promotion option, when the client knows exactly how much and for what he will pay. All costs that go beyond the tariff are the risk of the SEO of the company, which we assume. Accordingly, it is beneficial for us to work well so that the prime cost fits into the tariff. You can find out more about our tariffs here.

Please note that our company is the only one in USA where you can order one-time website optimization services (for example, collect a semantic core, draw up a resource structure, optimize a page, etc.). See our SEO market for more details .

When Does A SEO Start Working?

Usually, the first results appear in 2-3 months from the start of website promotion. However, in our practice, there have been cases when a resource went to the TOP within a month after the start of promotion. Here, again, a lot depends on the subject of the project and the competition in your niche; particular requests for which it is being promoted; the age of the domain (young sites are more difficult to promote, as they are less trusted by search engines).

Low-frequency queries can be brought to the TOP in just a week. This is due to weak competition for them. Basically, many SEO specialists try to promote high-frequency companies at the request of clients, but this is not always the right strategy. Most often, due to the shaft of low and medium frequencies, you can gain more traffic. Moreover, such traffic will be even more targeted, since people will come for more accurate requests.

What Guarantees Do You Give?

If you find yourself in a SEO company that promises you mountains of gold and gives you guarantees - run from there without looking back! This is a deception and a banal "lure" of clients. The point is, in SEO, there is no guarantee. Yandex and Google algorithms change every day and you can't predict how they will behave with your site.

"Then what is the job of a SEO specialist?" - you ask. The answer is simple: our task is to constantly monitor these very algorithms and find methods of influencing them. For our part, we guarantee that:

you will be working with a team of professionals who “ate the dog” on website promotion (after all, more than 10 years of experience);

we will always be in touch, we will explain each step in detail and will promptly resolve all your questions; in the end, we definitely guarantee the positive dynamics of the positions of your resource and promise that with our help the results of your project will improve.

Please note: we are interested in your staying our client and recommending us to your colleagues. In other words, your guarantee is our interest in getting your site promoted.

Why Is My Site In The TOP, But There Are No Applications Or Sales?

In this case, there may be several reasons:

Your offer is worse than that of competitors (for example, higher prices, worse terms of service, etc.). Therefore, if you have problems with conversion, the first step is to conduct a commercial analysis of competitors and decide how you can distinguish your product.

The site has poor usability. Perhaps the site takes a long time to load, or people are simply confused in navigation and do not understand how to place an order. In this case, it is necessary to work on the design of the resource: to simplify it, make it more convenient and understandable, display the order form in a prominent place, etc.

Inappropriate traffic comes to the site. For example, if your site is in the TOP for informational queries and does not appear in the search results for commercial. In this case, you need to be patient. Information traffic is also good, because, firstly, it forms the popularity of your company, and, secondly, it gradually moves commercial requests to the TOP. Most likely, the situation will improve over time (naturally, if there is a competent optimization of commercial landing pages).

Why is My Site In The TOP On The Computer, But Not On The Phone?

The fact is that both Yandex and Google personalize the search results and adjust it for a specific user. For mobile devices, search engines prioritize sites that load faster.

Also, a lot depends on the region of the user. For example, in December 2020, Yandex released the Vega algorithm, which focuses on only the city, but also the district or even the house in which the person is located. For example, on the query “hairdresser”, the user is more likely to be shown the salons that are geographically closest to him.

Another factor that affects the search results is the search history. The output will differ from person to person. That is, it's not even about the gadget from which the user searches for your site.

Finally, pay attention to the request. If you first entered the search for "New York dentistry", and on the phone "New York dentistry", then the results will also differ regardless of the gadget from which you searched.

Best SEO Service Provider On Internet

I don't no about other services but my company AIMagnus is providing best SEO service on internet according to me. AIMagnus have the best team which can perform each & every task related to SEO and other digital marketing services.

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