13 Cool Tips to Increase Medical Website Conversions

Working a lot with the medical business, in 70% of cases we come across acceptable sites, when in principle there is a basic optimization. When there is usability and navigation, the content is relatively unique and the phone number is not in .png format. But as regrettable as it is, 30% of sites are very terrible. In this article, we would like to reflect on the coolest tips that can really improve behavioral and increase conversions. Let's go, dear reader.


1. We Have Parking

Parking is a problem in every city, and if on the outskirts of the city this problem is not particularly relevant, then in the center everything is much worse. The clinic that does business in the center must indicate the availability of parking. If you have your own - cool, if only the city - also cool. Don't be stingy and pay the customer a parking spot if he left you a decent check. You will get a loyal and satisfied customer with a potential recommendation

Parking can work wonders for attracting real primary patients. Especially if you sell expensive cosmetic or dental services, plastic surgery with a check from 300,000 USD. Such an audience will not go to you by metro or taxi, most likely it is a personal car, create conditions for people to feel comfortable.

2. Interactive Elements

Various photo-curtains, when you can show how the patient's face looked before and after the procedure. Various animated and creative banners, placeholders, tactile buttons for lead forms that respond to mouse hovering - all this can very well keep the patient on the site. This includes pop-up modal windows with prompts and procedure clarifications.

You've probably noticed on some sites near the lists of works or goods there are pictograms in the form of question marks and when you click, a hint pops up. This is what we are talking about now.

This also includes video content that smoothly and harmoniously integrates into the page structure. A good story about a service or clinic from a doctor gives the patient a sense of security and understanding about the clinic. It is believed that well-made videos increase the conversion rate by 35%.

3. Photos of Doctors

An extremely important element of usability and promotion. You need to use doctors, you need to submit them to the site as handsome, stately and professional people. We recommend making separate cards for specialists so that you can get acquainted in more detail with the education and diploma of a doctor. This will give your clinic a huge credibility on the Internet, and will also work for repeat patients who have previously visited your medical center, were satisfied and want more, to a certain doctor.

There is no need to save money on shooting, make everything expensive and beautiful, because doctors are the last contact person when working with a patient and the first contact person on the site. A poorly dressed specialist or a beautician with deep wrinkles is unlikely to go, unless, of course, we are talking about a famous person. Primary patients buy with their eyes.

4. Navigation

Most medical sites are fraught with absolute evil and hopelessness when you see a menu like a maze. The patient does not understand where he is and how to get out of all this. A decision is made to close down and look for better competitive sites. And all attempts to promote, casting contextual advertising will end in complete fiasco, if you do not think about the menu and navigation.

The site should be logical, and here are a couple of tips on how to make it so in terms of navigation:

Use bread crumbs

- The main menu should have an expand function on hover
- The main menu should be duplicated on the category and landing page on the left
- When scrolling, the menu must be pinned (recommended)
- Categories and landing pages should be clearly nested and accessible
- A patient from anywhere on the site should understand within 2 seconds how to get to another section

5. Question-Answer

Many people underestimate this element of the site, but you can use it to cover the first and simplest needs and expectations of the patient. For example, does the clinic work on weekends, does the doctor have the appropriate competence, and so on. On the phone, even an operator may not know all the details and will lose a precious lead. Therefore, protect yourself from the fool - the "Question-Answer" module will greatly increase the conversion and vice versa will cut off haters or those for whom the service is not suitable for the average bill.

6. Page Navigation Menu (anchors)

On the landing page of a specific medical service, you use the patient's key psychological patterns. What does a normal person usually ask when visiting a clinic? Prices, doctors, contacts, promotions. So arrange the anchor buttons under the heading H1, let the patient easily navigate the entire page and receive the necessary information.

There is another secret that is important to know - when a user falls through different areas of the page through page navigation, he improves behavioral indicators, and more and more areas of the page will be filled with yellow and green colors, displacing red (red indicates that that the page is not read to the end)

7. Installments, Loans, Bonuses "Thank you"


If you are engaged in medicine with large checks, for example, cosmetic programs or plastic surgery, then having installments and loans will work great on conversion.

Even if you see a patient with an average check of 3,000 USD, all the same - use loyalty programs, "Thank you" bonuses, people are very willing to make decisions, even if it comes to minimal savings. The clinic located next to you without the “Thank you” bonuses will lose, but you will not.

8. Material Quality Assessment

Feedback from a patient who had the privilege of being on your site is a necessary and important signal of what you liked about the site and what did not. By assessing the quality of the material, we mean:

- Questionnaires
- Emoji widgets
- Commentary board

9. Authorship and Doctor Status

The fact of authorship works both for the conversion of the site and for the authority of its pages. The latest major Google updates and the real signals that we receive when working with medical sites indicate the increased weight of authorship and the status of a doctor (a specialist in his field). So brand your staff. If there is an article, insert a link to the doctor's card, which indicates his education, a link to Instagram or Facebook, courses and certificates. 

Authoritative material needs to be shared on social networks, liked, and commented on. To accomplish these tasks, we recommend running local targeted advertising. Remember that through such jewelry work, the site will receive powerful social signals in favor of promoting the page in the TOP 10.

10. Tests

An online test is nothing more than a multi-stage lead generation system, which is absolutely normal when selling large and large medical services. We are talking about monthly and half-hour programs, which today becomes a way for clinics to survive in a competitive market.

The essence of the test is very simple:

- We collect information about the user. Who is he man or woman
- We specify the age
- We clarify the problem
- We offer a specific solution - procedure, service, program
- Or please leave a request.

11. Photos "before" and "after"

For cosmetic and dental clinics, plastic surgeons and osteopaths, photographs of the work will speak for themselves. We assure you that real and true photos can increase the conversion of the site at least twice, because this is real evidence of the doctor's ability to do his job.

12. Cost

The key difference between a commercial resource and an information resource is its content and content. Price is what will influence further user scenarios when interacting with your site, so use price wisely. Where it is dynamic, indicate it "from". Where it is better not to show the price, because all other things being equal with the market, you have a much higher price - buy attention with a free first consultation and buns in the form of free parking in the center, as well as a cup of coffee.

We recommend integrating the positioning of the price with the installment plan and the loan for the service in order to offer the patient a solution to the problem here and now, even if the patient does not have the full amount of money for the procedure.

13. Awards

One thing follows from the other, and in the case of website promotion, it is impossible to turn off the conversion rate. The same is the case with the use of awards and confirmation of various statuses and ratings of the clinic. The more nameplates on the site that will approve you as high professionals, the less problems there will be in handling the high cost of procedures and services.

You need to use everything:

- Specialist certificates
- Clinic certificates
- International courses and exhibitions
- Awards
- Participation in master classes
- Licenses and more.

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