7 Examples Of Robotics That Will Change Everything

They represent the future and we only talk about them. Their goal: to make our lives easier. Yes, it seems that our life, both professional and family, could depend more and more on robots.

Examples Of Robotics 

They arrive and are more and more numerous. Robots have already begun to take part in our society and this is only a beginning. In some countries such as Japan, they have already begun to take a very important place. And it is in a large number of sectors, if not perhaps all, that these androids could have a role to play. With this question that worries more than one, will robots gradually replace men in the professional sector ? Totally, no, at least not immediately. But some already created will have a professional role, especially in hotels or hospitals. Others would have a domestic function and according to an OpinionWay survey published in December 2019, 52% of French people would be willing to live with robots. Here is a selection of sectors and roles that will play tomorrow (and for some today) these automatons.

1 Robotics: Robots In The Army

Optio Robot

Drones were known, used for several years by providing them with a weapon or simply to explore dangerous areas from a distance. To protect the lives of soldiers on conflict lands, some armies go even further and gradually decide to hire robots within their ranks. The Russians and the Chinese have already done so, the French army already uses them, but their use remains limited to demining operations. But the revolution is for tomorrow. Nexter Systems has just introduced a new robot, with the appearance of an assault tank, which is expected to join the Armed forces next year. Purpose: to transport equipment and explore hazardous areas. The Nexter group was already behind the creation of small Nerva robots, especially used by firefighters to locate people trapped in the flames. Yes, the arrival of robots will save more and more lives.

2 Robotics: Hotel Robots

Hotel Henn-Na (Japan)

Japan is one of the pioneering countries in robotics . And it was there that in 2015 opened the hotel Henn Na, an establishment at least different from the others. At the reception, it is a robot in the form of a woman who welcomes you. Then, to carry your luggage to your room, you can trust another robot, rolling this one. Once in your room, with your belongings arrived safely, you will notice the absence of a switch. Normal, because turning off and turning on the lights is the task of the new Android that you will find in the room. Just ask him to do it for you. In one of the corridors, another robot is responsible for placing your personal items in a secure locker. The example of this hotel shows that yes, some robots have already taken the place of humans. Nevertheless , in this establishment, a human workforce has "survived" since the robots do not yet know how to ensure the surveillance system or change the sheets. But it will come…

3 Robotics: Robots For Our Elders

Buddy, The Robot Home Help

It's a booming robotics market. Assistive robots for seniors will gradually become widespread. It must be said that their uses are multiple and that their goal is a very important issue: to promote the maintenance at home of seniors and help them daily. Among them is Buddy, designed by Blue Frog Robots. This small automaton is intended as a solution in the social interaction and in the assistance of these people. It thus allows easy access to communication with relatives. It also offers a reminder of appointment, taking medications. More importantly, and also reassuring, Buddy was designed to detect falls or any other unusual situation. He is also responsible for monitoring the home. Finally, it can serve as a companion for dependent people, allowing to limit the risk of depression, boredom and the impression of loneliness. A robot that will therefore provide our elders with a very valuable help, while ensuring their safety and keeping them company.

4 Robotics: 'Workers' Robots

An Industrial Robot

It was one of the very first sectors in which machines gradually took the place of man. Industry and factories have continually modernized to limit the painfulness of repetitive or physically and mentally challenging work. These machines still have despite everything at the present time need man to operate. But recently, robots have taken more step. Thus, in 2015, the White House almost thanked the robots for playing a role in the revival of American competitiveness ! However, it is in Asia that the market for industrial robots is developing the most. Thus, in China, the Assembly company Foxecann in 2016 replaced 58% of the staff of one of its factories with robots. The group eventually intends to replace 1 million workers with 1 million robots ! A goal still far from being achieved. In Japan, companies such as Fanuc or Yaskawa specialize in the design of industrial robots. For its part, France is still lagging behind in this sector even if companies such as Sepro Group, Siléane or MC Robotics are currently developing on French territory. So our jobs would still have good days ahead of them, especially since any fully robotic society, if it ever exists, will never really be able to do without man.

5 Robotics: From Robots To Stoves

Moley, The Robot Cook

This is a situation that we would like to pass after a hard day's work but that is still fundamental: cooking. The solution may come from Moley, one of the robot-cooks of the future. This automaton, created by the company of the same name can also help you in case you are desperate for your "talent" as a cook. Programmed to make several recipes, Moley nevertheless needs you nearby to provide him with what he needs. Thanks to a recognition system, the robot will be able to spot the different ingredients and will know what to do with them, provided of course that the recipe is programmed. Featuring two articulated arms and fingers, Moley can peel, bake, take ingredients or cut. Today it is only a few recipes, for some made by star chefs, that are known to him. But it will develop over time.

6 Robotics: Robots In Hospitals

Pepper, Future Hospital Robot

In the same vein as Buddy, this robot intended for seniors to accompany them on a daily basis, robotics would have a future in hospitals to assist with care, such as Pepper, developed by SoftBank Robotics or medical robots developed by the American company Intuitive Surgical. Their arrival could perhaps allow more fluidity in health facilities often overtaken by a large number of patients. But their main function would be to assist health professionals to have a more humane relationship with their patients. While the staff listens to the patients, the robots would take care of the logistics organization themselves. A real revolution. But that would not stop there as some may also have a direct role in care, including handling patients with muscle problems. Others would still join the surgeons in the operating room to assist them during the operations. While the vast majority of medical robots are designed in the United States, France is also doing so, like the medtech group, which designs robots intended to "assist neurosurgeons in the precision of medical gesture". So, robots for more human hospitals, we don't say no.

7 Robotics: Robots For Everyday Small Tasks

iRobot Roomba, The Vacuum Cleaner

This is probably the type of robots that will prevail in the coming years. Having an automaton at home that would take care of the arduous tasks of everyday life, who never dreamed of it ? If some of us have some reservations about these companions not like others, these robots are about to upset our daily lives. And they are very many. Among them, you may turn to Kumi, who you can count on to monitor your home during your absences. Unless, tired of folding your laundry, you prefer to get the services of Laundroid. This automaton, made by the company Seven Dreamers with the help of Panasonic, will do it for you and will sort them at your convenience. Finally, the most trendy of these home helpers not like the others should probably be the robot vacuum cleaner, already seen in the advertisement and presented as not leaving the slightest gram of dust and inspecting every nook and cranny of your dwelling. A robot cleaning your place is what iRobot, one of the industry leaders, wanted to create by giving birth to Roomba. And this may be waiting to see others who will do your shopping, do the dishes or store everything in your house. A life without these little constraints of everyday life, it makes you dream and it has never seemed so close.

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