What is Content Marketing? Detailed Explanation
Don't believe me if I tell you that content marketing is the future of business. This is real. Today, Western analysts are talking about the explosive growth of this area of Internet marketing.
Content marketing – if you haven't heard this word yet, then remember it, you will hear it very soon. You are probably already implementing this technology without even knowing it. If not, you will start implementing it very soon. Content marketing, in fact, will very soon become the main path of development of Internet marketing in General.
So what is content marketing?
Content marketing is a marketing technology for creating and distributing popular content to attract a target audience. The goal of the technology is to encourage the consumer to take targeted actions and involve them in your conversion scenario. Content marketing is information received by your potential buyer at the right time and in the right place.
Do you think you have good prices? But your client doesn't even know about it!
Do you think you have a real competitive advantage? But your client doesn't even know about it!
Do you think that your products and services are the best on the market? But your client doesn't even know they exist!
All your client is looking for on the Internet is information. Properly submitted information, distributed through the right channels – is the essence of content marketing.
Now, to make it more clear, let's give an example. You are selling a certain product. Your page literally begs the user: well, buy-and-and-and-and! Content marketing technologies are fundamentally different from this. We take your product and the products of competitors, we do a review on the topic "Why is your product better"? We allow the consumer to make their own choice – which product to choose, and this choice should be in your favor. After all, your product is really the best on the market? And most importantly, there should be a lot of such reviews. More precisely-a lot. Even more precisely-very, very much.
Main advantages of content marketing:
Indirect sales through content that is in demand by your audience.
Content marketing doesn't work directly for your brand, but it does make it recognizable.
On the promotion of the brand requires a smaller budget than the classic ways of advertising.
Positions in search results are improving. They like natural links!
Search traffic increases due to growth – after all, content marketing implies a constant increase in the number of new materials on the site, which means that the number of promoted queries increases.
The credibility of your company or brand is strengthened, and creating high-quality content will make you an expert in the eyes of both consumers and competitors.
Content marketing is natural! This is not a pressure on search engine results due to seo links. This means that in the long run, this is exactly what will be in demand by search engines.
As you can see, some advantages. Content marketing creates trust and authority, which, in turn, destroys the client's "resistance". The required information is a description of the benefits that the customer will receive from a particular product or service. Content "rules" the Internet, because consumers are looking for information that can solve their problems.
The decline of traditional online advertising?
But why?! Why suddenly the "good old" search engine optimization (built on the purchase of the link mass) is rapidly fading into the background?
On the Internet, the "classic" scheme of entering keys + purchasing links fails completely. Search engines have learned to recognize the crude techniques of SEOs, and now the issue manipulators are sitting at a broken trough. Link mass budgets that grow exponentially are the path of "classic seo". And this is a road to nowhere.
People do not need a stupid "vparivanie" product, and information that they could trust. It turns out that consumers are smarter than previously thought. They don't need to sell – they need to talk about the benefits and leave the chance to make a choice for themselves.
Content marketing wins even compared to contextual advertising. Contextual advertising is direct-action advertising. Content marketing works gradually and over a long period of time.
Advertising in the usual sense is a cheerful strained message without two-way communication with the consumer. It imposes, not tells.
As for content marketing, its goal is not the actual sale of goods (this is important, but not in the foreground), but the formation of relationships with the client. First of all, confidential ones. You need to build your work in such a way that people know you and trust you enough to do business with you or choose your products and services.
Information distribution channels
The main weapon and tool of content marketing is information and only information. But – an important addition-high-quality information. The first and main task that needs to be solved is to fill the site with high-quality content, but, note, not just fill it once and forget it, you need to write constantly for the site. If you have embarked on the path of content marketing, then you will not be able to turn away from it.
The second step is to choose the right platforms for posting information and think carefully about the channels for its distribution. We prioritize the following distribution channels for your content strategy:
- search engines, natural search results;
- contextual advertising systems;
- Direct Email (maintaining a corporate mailing list on your subject);
- Social Media (maintaining your own groups and official pages and using other groups as channels for distributing your information);
- specialized online publications on your subject (and in content marketing-these will be articles, not "media");
- blogosphere (running your own corporate blog and attracting top Runet bloggers to distribute your information).
Post articles in thematic blogs, create a content newsletter for users, and go to social networks if you are strong enough to increase your brand awareness and strengthen audience loyalty to your company. But first of all, think about promoting your site by traffic (and therefore by a broad semantic core). There is no point in using other channels of influence until you have solved the problem of attracting natural search traffic. And here content marketing will provide you with serious support. Distributing high-quality content that is interesting to your target audience on the web is the only way to increase the number of natural links to your site.
Because it works
Successful examples of content marketing? They already are!
This is an online store of the aimagnus company – they bet on high-quality product descriptions and highly informative reviews of new products. That is why the site traffic today is hundreds of thousands of people a day. They could have followed the path of a "normal" online store, but instead turned their site into a mega-informative portal for gadgets, leading in traffic and overtaking most media outlets in terms of subject matter. People come to the site aimagnus.com not only (and not even so much) to buy, they come to find the information they need. And we are happy to be involved in the success of this company.
What can be more reliable than a trusting relationship? Content marketing is now used by giant multinational corporations, small firms, and even single businessmen. The only reason they do this is because content marketing works.
Content marketing is most effective when the average person receives a thousand ads and offers a day. Content marketing forces a person to stop, read, think, choose, and buy.
Yes, it's really possible to create a marketing strategy that will help you connect with your customers!
So, if you are interested in content marketing, this new round of evolution in marketing, we will help you build a business strategy to attract new customers.
It's better to hurry up, because very soon you will be able to say: if you are not engaged in content marketing, then you are not engaged in Internet marketing at all.
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