Effective Ways to Recruit Instagram Followers

Targeted advertising



The main advantage of this method is automation. It is enough to carry out a competent initial setup of the advertising campaign, and all that remains is to monitor the indicators. Moreover, it is quite simple to analyze the results and generate reports. Availability is also a plus. With the help of targeted advertising, you can get live subscribers without high costs.

The minimum amount you need to launch a campaign is 50 rubles per day.


The negative point is that you need to understand the target settings. In addition, Instagram does not have the ability to accurately select representatives of the target audience, unlike VKontakte, so the risk of incurring unnecessary costs is higher. An advertisement may meet all the requirements of the site, but even this does not guarantee that it will not be rejected. Finding out through technical support what the problem is is a hopeless idea. It is simply impossible to contact her.

Cooperation with bloggers



This method of increasing the number of subscribers is good because niche bloggers can quickly and easily reach your target audience. They are especially useful when you need to promote a new product that is unknown and difficult for the mass consumer to perceive. Bloggers can describe it in simple words and explain what the value of the offer is, exactly in the place where the people you need gather.

Blog authors are authoritative in the eyes of their subscribers, they are role models and give advice that they really listen to. If a recommendation to purchase your product or order a service comes from such a blogger, you can get the desired result, namely a rapid increase in real subscribers, an increase in the intensity of sales and, accordingly, profits.


When working with bloggers, you need to be careful, carefully select them, analyze whether there are copy-paste or markups, correctly formulate the terms of reference and monitor the tone of the publications. It is possible that even when working in one niche, your products or services may not be suitable for a particular blogger.

You can prepare as thoroughly as possible, but this does not guarantee the success of the collaboration. There is a risk of losing your money if a blogger takes it and disappears. He can ignore the TK or change the timing of the publication about your company, and more than once. And all the damage from such actions will be borne by you. It also happens that a post prepared for one company is used by a blogger to promote a competitor. Therefore, it is better to conclude a contract with him. This is not a guarantee of reliability and safety, but it helps to reduce risks.


Popular bloggers charge a lot for their services, but with a competent approach to business, these costs pay off. If funds are not enough, you can cooperate with micro- and nanobloggers. They are not yet mature enough to charge high prices, but they can also have quality subscribers. It is worth contacting them, even if you have money.

The effect of working with a large number of micro- and nanobloggers for 100 thousand rubles can be better than working with one very popular person for the same money.

Influencer services



Another category of people who can attract subscribers for you are respectable experts in a particular field, whose advice is listened to, that is, the so-called opinion leaders. This can be a stylist, doctor, teacher or other specialist popular in his city, whose point of view is worth its weight in gold and is considered indisputable. Influencers often have a significantly greater impact on their audience than bloggers. For them, their own reputation is important, so such experts will definitely not let you down, you can not check how high-quality their audience is and whether it is cheated. They always have active thinking subscribers.


Influencers can charge a lot for their services. In addition, it is not uncommon for them to refuse promotional offers, especially if they cannot personally test the product. And you definitely shouldn't turn to such experts if you offer consumers something that smells bad. There is very little chance that they will risk their reputation even for a lot of money.

Contests, games with prizes, promotions



Organizing such marketing events can significantly increase the number of subscribers in a short time. In addition, there is a chance to make the campaign go viral, and this provides additional bonuses such as increased awareness and free flow of visitors.

Methods of conducting competitions and promotions

There are a huge number of options. Here are some popular mechanics for example.

- Run a game, according to the rules of which subscribers should mark their friends under the post.
- As part of the competition, ask the audience to repost your publication to their stories.
- You can organize a promotion with the placement on the pages of subscribers of posts about your product (service), or interesting stories with a link to your blog.
- Offer a prize for the best question on a given topic and set the rules according to which you need to publish it on your page with the hashtag of the competition and a link to your page.


We'll have to take care of the prize. If your goal is to recruit new customers and increase sales outside of the Instagram account, you need an integrated approach. In addition to promotions and contests, bloggers services and targeted advertising will be required. Another disadvantage is that many of the subscribers that you manage to collect by offering a gift will turn out to be simple freeloaders and will most likely unsubscribe from your blog immediately after the end of the competition or promotion.

These were all methods of recruiting audiences for which you have to pay. Next, we will talk about free legal tools for attracting subscribers.

Working with bloggers on barter



There are many options for cooperation in exchange. For a recommendation posted by a blogger on his page, you can repost his post in your stories. If you are a mass media or sell a thematic product (service), a blogger can act as an expert, talk about your product on his page and prepare posts for your order. It turns out that you exchange subscribers and get content for free. Small bloggers gladly agree to such cooperation, and if you have a well-known trademark, you can offer barter to large ones.


Before starting cooperation with a blogger, you need to thoroughly check his reputation. In addition, they often do not agree to the conditions set, so it is difficult to find a suitable option. You will have to spend a lot of time searching. Even if paid services are not always provided with high quality, in the case of barter, the risk of facing an unscrupulous partner is even higher. We have to pay more attention to monitoring the implementation of the terms of cooperation.

Cross PR with other companies



This method of gaining followers allows you to attract relevant users, that is, those who are most likely to be interested in your offer. This effect is achieved thanks to the choice of companies working in related areas for cooperation. So, a design bureau and a real estate company can become effective partners for each other. Everything here works in the same way as in the case of bloggers.


Finding a company for mutual PR usually requires a significant investment of time and effort. Potential partners often have their own views on the exchange of advertising and a lot of conditions. In addition, it is necessary to check the reputation of the company and monitor the fulfillment of obligations. If your partner messes up, a wave of negativity grows on the network, which will surely hurt you too.

Use of branded hashtags and user-generated content


If you post photos from customer channels on your page, you can motivate subscribers to take selfies with your products and post them on Instagram. This is the most profitable, since you don't have to pay anything. Consumers use your products, take photos, and add hashtags to their posts. Thanks to this, you get into the field of view of other users of the social network, interest arises - and they replenish the circle of your subscribers.


This is not an option for everyone. If your services are complex, then the concept behind the page design can be easily broken by poorly posting user content. And inventing a way to implement it organically is very difficult. In such a situation, the solution may be to publish reviews in stories. Another drawback is that in response to a hashtag with a brand name, you can get a lot of negativity from unsatisfied customers.

Viral content


Your texts will surely be read, videos and images will be viewed, audio will be listened to, all this will be shared, recommended and comments. Viral content allows you to add subscribers and make your blog more attractive to Instagram users.


You have to constantly invent something interesting. Content may require funds to create, and there is no guarantee that it will go viral.

Thematic hashtags



A post with hashtags can go to the top and come to the attention of the target audience. Even if the publication is weak, it will sag for a while in "recent". And this is a chance to earn new subscribers for free.


The work of updating the hashtag inventory never stops. And at the same time, the influx of new subscribers is not very active. A successful result can be called a result in which no fewer people come than leave.



If you want to get new subscribers from a specific region for free, this method is great for you. It is good when the business is conducted in a specific area or you need to attract a regional audience.


Few people analyze geotags; you shouldn't expect a large influx of subscribers.

Comments under the posts of the target audience



Trust in your brand increases, new subscribers come. If the channel is relevant to the topic, you can answer audience questions and give advice under the posts.


Finding the right users and posts is time consuming. In addition, you need to be able to give competent answers and advice. And another drawback: you can generate negative reactions by invading your personal blog on behalf of the brand.

Let's sum up

In each area, promotion has certain characteristics, so some of the described methods will give you little or no benefit. Try, check. Eventually, you will be able to find the best tools for attracting subscribers.

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