Website Promotion: Fast Promotion Of Your Site

In order to quickly promote your site and start getting organic traffic as soon as possible, the phrase "fast site promotion" looks ridiculous. 

To make it clearer, We will ask again: "What do you think, to receive a huge piece of land with fucking pedestrian traffic near the station as a gift is possible just like that?" 

Adequate people will answer in the negative. The rest did not pass the nonmenity test and may not read my article further. 

We wanted to say that it takes time to get a site to the top of organic search engine result page. For those who are really itching to do it and you just long for a direct answer on the timing of promotion and getting your pages into the top of Google: "don't wait before a year." 

website promoton services

Yes, there are happy situations when, half a year after the registration of the domain and the publication of the first content, articles start to shoot. But this story is rather an exception. Or it is about information sites that do not have a direct commercial focus. Such sites are usually of a media and entertainment nature and are indexed faster than business sites. 

We know 3 things that need to be done to make your site pages index faster and get to the top:

Advertising - Spend money on targeted and search ads

Now in order. Seo articles are pages of your site that are dedicated to those keywords for which you want to get places on the search engine result page. 

How To Write A SEO Article?

website promoton services

To begin with, the article should preferably contain more than 3000 characters. Preferably, it should be long read (long text). In order to fully disclose the topic, in any case, you will need a dozen of words, examples, photographs, videos, tables, structured text and other things, which makes the text not only useful, but also readable and comprehensible. 

All enumerations, please, allocate in blocks, triggers. Yes, it takes a lot of time and it takes an eternal endurance. But it's worth it. 

In our understanding, triggers are very short and biting benefits of a product, squeezed out very shortly in a benefit format. But in this case, We call triggers all sorts of convenient blocks of information that highlight important thoughts from the general mass of text. For example, like this one.

We take a key phrase from Wordstat (for a start, a low-frequency, or mid-frequency ). It will be the title of the article. After that, build a heading structure that would contain the given phrase in whole or in part. Sometimes replace the key phrase with synonyms, as this does not jerk off the reader, and hence the search engines.

We wrote the article more or less structured, excellent. Because writing an article for SEO is not a post on Insta to burn down. By the way, this is precisely the problem for most promoters. 

✍️ They write texts like Pushkin. They just catch inspiration and screw up the text. This is cool! But this is too easy. First try to build the structure of the entire article from the headings, and then go crazy with the amount of work, and then try to catch inspiration. 

The article will not be so inspired, but it will stupidly answer the user's request and help him in obtaining the necessary information. And the search engines from you, young promoters, only need this. 

Tips: If you are building a website on WordPress, then download the SEO plugins. It will help you start to control your writing of the text and not get lost in thoughts along the tree.

🔗 We buy a reference mass. 

Some say that you can't buy links, others say that you can and should. We will answer with the words from the songs of "Caste":

Some argue that rap is yo. The second say that rap is wide pants. But the caste boys don't give a fuck. They fuck on their own wave and have been screwing for years.

If it's simpler, then you need to buy links, but wisely. New site? Buy 1-2 links per month for a high price on good donors (one subject). Next, grow up to 5 links per month. Then, up to ten. Well, keep the speed no more than 15 links per month. 

First, you can burn out and get pessimism. Secondly, good links are expensive. Perpetual links can cost $200-$3000 per placement. In general, you will not spoil much. 

💸 Spend money on ads

Better to "spill" some money on every new article across all traffic sources. A couple of cells in Google, a cell in Facebook and Instagram. 

Just don’t tell me now that the connection between the fucking indexing of those who spend on advertising and the reverse situation for those who don’t invest in advertising has not been proven. We not a fan of arguing about things for which we cannot get an explicit answer from the original source (that is, from the search network). Therefore, bury your controversial ax of war and read on. 

We always in charge of advertising expenses for a completely different reason. It is basically disciplined. When you write an article on the topic: "Website promotion" and you know that the article will be informational, but you will spend money on it, you automatically start to approach its writing more seriously. 

And it's even better when you prepare the semantic core for both the article on Google. That is, you are doing a powerful preparation, knowingly preparing the keys that are in your article, and therefore, the transitions will be as relevant and conversion as possible. 

Independent Website Promotion

website promoton services

Of course, there are a large number of courses that are dedicated to promotion. You can collect the training bit by bit on YouTube, you can buy it from us, you can still get it from someone else. However, it is important to understand who exactly and why decides to teach and what drives them. 

Personally, We teach and also provide services only because it is much more profitable then other jobs. The course is recorded and unpacked on the platform. We keep up with chat, voice messages, or call myself, if it's easier to dial than two hours to correspond. 

Well, and most importantly, We can easily drag 20 students per course per month and go crazy. And if We make a promotion for a client, then for the same money We go three times more, and We can take such clients no more than 5 per month. That's the whole reason why We teach self-promotion of a website and setting up targeted advertising. Just the economy. 

What Do You Need in Order To Learn How To Promote a Website?

First, the site itself. It should be placed not on the constructor, such as Tilda, e-platform, e-generator, but on the classic CMS: Wordpress, Joomla, and synonyms. In our training, we are creating a website on WordPress.

Secondly, you will need time. The training itself can be completed in a month. Someone a little faster, someone passes more slowly. But the main thing that should be is the idea.

We will create a site, and we will promote it as much as possible with the help of freebies like writing articles. If the site theme is chosen simply "because it is fashionable", you will not succeed. 

You won't be able to generate content about a topic that you don't understand deeply. More precisely, at a short distance, you can squeeze articles, translate foreign publications, or videos and unpack it at home. Just believe me: if the topic does not respond and you decide to just make some money on it, nothing will come of it (without a lot of investment). 

🔝 Website Promotion In The Top

How Do We Get Our Articles To The Top?  We just follow the set of measures: 

We realize that it is extremely difficult to get to the top in the first half-year from the date of domain registration and We refuse this idea. We know that in a year we guaranteed to hit the top for some medium-frequency queries, and maybe high-frequency ones. 

We understand that SEO is not only cool articles. This is also the technical work with the site. It is important to choose the right platform on which the site will be hosted, hosting, so that the maximum percentage of time is available, internal optimization, re-linking, work with usability, and so on. This is not the most exciting part of the job, but without it, nowhere. 

We are not writing an article on a whim, using words that are appropriate from a literary point of view, but replacing them with those phrases that people are looking for. For example, at the beginning of website there are articles that were written under zero guidance. The title of the article is called somehow “ king. Don't take it all personally. The article itself is generally about taxes. But it is not clear from the title and headings. For social network audience that is subscribed to a public, such an article will go cool. But search engines will never let it get to the top, since it is not optimized. It would have been easier to name the article by including the word tax. But then we wrote only for people, not for search engines.

After writing the article, we share it on popular social networks and in Zen, referring to the original site. Likes and activities under a post with this link are rated positively by search engines. And the increase in the link mass, after all. 

We advise you to give some advertising, promoting this particular article. First, you will get the long-awaited reach faster and look at the behavioral characteristics of the users of this page. Quickly inform search engines about the presence of a page in the index. 

Well, the main rule that we occasionally break when trying to promote my marketing blog to the top is the systematic content release. In our topic, it is normal to issue 2-3 articles per week and go through all the mechanics that we described above with them. But we do not have enough time and energy. 

About the systematic posting of content, this is very important. The point is that we tame the search spiders who crawl the web looking for new pages to index. If they have discovered new content on your site at about the same time over the past few months, they begin to remember this and return to the site exactly when a new page appears. 

🕒 How Long Does It Take To Promote A Website? 

website promotion services

If we talk about the time of website promotion, then this is at least one year. Someone comes out earlier, someone later. There are many reasons for this: different topics with different demand potential. 

For example, in the “music” topic, the demand is huge. There are many, many millions of requests per month in every genre, style, and direction of music. In the field of manicure, the demand potential is much less. Therefore, there will be less traffic there, fewer requests and conversions to your site, therefore. 

Someone has enough favor to write new articles several times a week, despite the fact that there is still no visible result. Someone merges in a couple of months. 

🥰 Someone does not spare a thousand dollars for advertising each article, someone finds information that this is not necessary and clogs the screw. 

There are people who are ready to spend 5-6 thousand a month to purchase several links to their site, and there are companies that can negotiate with large and serious media outlets for good money to leave a link to themselves.

The resources are different for everyone, however, at a distance of several years, the winner is not the one who used more resources, but the one who did it in a measured and systematic manner. 

Is It A Lot? And What Potential Can You Get From A SEO?

Let's round it up and calculate that you will spend 5 thousand USD on promoting your site in the first year. What to expect from this? 

By the most conservative estimate, 3 articles per week is 150 articles per year. Every article brings clicks every day. Their number is difficult to hypothesize. But We are a realist and proceed from the fact that one high-quality article brings 2 clicks per day (considering that there will be very weak articles that will not bring traffic). 

Please note that we do not take into account the clicks that you will receive from advertising, which is included in the expense and from the purchase of link mass.

300 clicks per day, which you will obviously achieve in a year for 5 thousand USD. If you take into account both advertising and transitions on links, then this is another 20 to 200 clicks per day to your site. This is a completely sober and not ambitious calculation. 

In Conclusion

If you're not interested in doing your own SEO because it kills time then you can try out our SEO services in which we will promote your website as it was our own with the help of some SEO experts and specialists. To order our services send us your request. 

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