Artificial Intelligence: How Ai Can Replace You?

How artificial intelligence solves tasks that were previously considered exclusively “human” Artificial intelligence (AI) is next to us at every step: it gives results in search engines, finds the nearest taxi, manages a home robot vacuum cleaner and does dozens of other household chores. This is familiar and not surprising. But AI also came to those areas that were still considered the prerogative of man.

Artificial interviewer can reduce bank risks and hire people

Artificial interviewer can reduce bank risks and hire people

The volume of consumer lending in China is constantly growing (over the year - by 15%, over two years - by 40%), and the amount of outstanding loans at the end of 2019 reached $ 1.5 trillion . Banks seek to reduce risks, including through AI.

For example, customers of the Chinese bank Ping An  can take a loan through a mobile application by answering the usual questions in such cases. They do not suspect that while they respond, the application scans their face. AI evaluates facial expressions and recognizes up to 50 signs of lies. If the borrower behaves suspiciously, AI recommends that human employees double-check the client.

The Skolkovo resident “Importrus” has an algorithm that conducts video interviews, explores the person’s social networks, collects “files” and describes his personal qualities with an accuracy of 99%. While it is used for hiring and evaluating employees, but nothing prevents him from trying himself in other professions that require empathy and insight.

A sales robot has a conversion like a live operator

A sales robot has a conversion like a live operator

Typically, telephone robots route calls or solve typical problems, and to successfully conduct a “cold” call or solve incoming tasks, human operators are needed. In any case, this was before. Today, AI robots work with incoming and outgoing calls as well as a full-fledged sales employee.

The "Zvonobot" from the company "Widget" (another Skolkovo resident) recognizes speech in several languages ​​and synthesizes the answers. It integrates with CRM systems, can call the entire customer base in 10 minutes or receive incoming calls, conduct surveys, and even do mailings. Moreover, it is 10 times cheaper than the call center and reaches a conversion rate of 47%.

AI is able to maintain a conversation, even if it follows an atypical scenario. No matter what the interlocutor says, the robot will understand it only a split second after the completion of the phrase and give a meaningful answer. He even pauses in conversation, as is characteristic of people. A conversation with such a robot can not be distinguished from communication with a living person - and this increases its effectiveness. Another similar robot with AI, having made 90 thousand calls in 3 days, achieved a conversion, like a human operator .

There are telephone robots capable of accurately recognizing a person by voice, making remote service at banks, insurance companies and pension funds more convenient for millions of people. A similar system created by our compatriots from the MDG Innovation company is used in 75 countries of the world - including the world's first nationwide voice recognition system in Mexico.

AI freed journalists from routine work

AI freed journalists from routine work

Since 2014, subscribers to the largest publications have been reading notes written by artificial intelligence. The Associated Press entrusted him with a routine: articles-reports on the financial results of companies for which you need to collect data for a long time, but you do not need to give expert opinion. AI makes it 15 times more productive than human journalists. Each quarter, AI analyzes 3,000 corporate reports and publishes up to 4,400 notes, while people managed to make only 300 before. Also, AI  can report on baseball games. By taking on such "non-creative" topics, AI freed up 20% of the time for journalists for more complex and interesting tasks. Later similar systems were used by Bloomberg and Reuters .

And in  The Guardian in 2019, the first story came out for the authorship of AI. He analyzed the statistics on donations for political parties in Australia, gave his conclusions, compiled a rating of parties for the article, and drew graphs.

AI helps investigate crimes

AI helps investigate crimes

Dutch police use self-learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data. AI helps not only find the relationship between suspected and criminal networks, but also quickly search in texts and images for suspicious words, faces and objects associated with weapons, drugs, terrorism, etc. This helps to reveal the crimes committed and identify those preparing.

However, the use of AI has so far been limited for legal and ethical reasons. For example, the courts and the police must be sure that he will not have “tunnel vision” when, based on the processed statistics, the AI ​​forms a “prejudice” against certain groups.

Robots teach English, reducing school costs by 50 times

Robots teach English, reducing school costs by 50 times

Since 2020, English has become a compulsory subject for all Japanese students since grade 3. The country needed more teachers and especially English teacher assistants. But the salary of an assistant is about $ 44,000 a year, and many schools cannot afford to hire more staff.

Predicting this risk, the Ministry of Education of Japan in 2018 launched a project to create a robot teacher . Now such robots work already in 500 classes and help to teach children spoken language. They conduct dialogs and check the pronunciation of each student - this is what teachers' assistants usually do. The robot stores information for each lesson of each student, so that a living teacher can easily check his progress. At the same time, the robot costs about $ 900 - 50 times less than the assistant’s annual salary. It is quite accessible for schools and will allow them to fulfill the curriculum.

AI makes diagnoses, speeding up the work of doctors up to 22%

AI makes diagnoses, speeding up the work of doctors up to 22%

By learning from the accumulated medical data, AI can help doctors. For example, the treatment of cancer begins after the doctor performs a biopsy and determines the type of cancer. It happens that the picture is unclear, and then the doctor asks for a “second opinion” from colleagues. But if you transfer the tests to another doctor, the start of treatment is delayed. Therefore, instead of a living colleague, doctors turn to AI.

The adaptive artificial intelligence created by Philips instantly evaluates test results and gives a second opinion with the same accuracy as a human doctor. The findings of AI and the doctor coincide in 86-87%, and two independent doctors - in 80-90% of cases. Already today, adaptive AI can accelerate the work of doctors up to 22% .

AI, which previously diagnosed oncology, has come to the forefront in the fight against coronavirus. Hospitals are not designed for emergency x-ray diagnostics of thousands of people, and test systems are sorely lacking. Therefore, the AI ​​of the Skolkovo company “Third Opinion” is now checking X-ray images of the lungs, looking for signs characteristic of COVID-19 and making a  diagnosis with an accuracy of 94%. AI helps to detect pneumonia at an early stage, connect a person to mechanical ventilation in time, or change treatment tactics. In the first weeks of using AI, more than 400 cases of pneumonia caused by COVID-19 were detected.

And the Skolkovo resident BID Technologies developed an industrial robot with AI that makes Yaroslavl shopping centers safer in the context of the coronavirus epidemic - they disinfect shopping carts after each visitor in  30 seconds .

AI leads planes safer than humans

AI leads planes safer than humans

Air crashes occur very rarely (in one of  five million flights ), and in 60% of cases - due to the fault of people. To reduce risks, flights of airliners are increasingly transferring “to the hands” of AI.

Already on a regular flight, a Boeing 777 pilot flies a plane manually for only 7 minutes per flight, while an Airbus pilot is even less. In January 2020, Airbus learned to take off without human intervention , and by the end of the year the company plans to test the automatic landing. And  by 2025, you can wait for the first unmanned airliners. They can make flights safer, but also cheaper, allowing airlines to save up to $ 35 billion annually and lower ticket prices by 10%.

True, polls show that  54% of passengers are not yet ready to fly planes without a human pilot. But building trust in them is a matter of time.

AI helps visually impaired people better represent the world

AI helps visually impaired people better represent the world

According to WHO, there are 285 million visually impaired and blind people in the world. To help them, states improve their habitats, and technology giants create electronic assistants.

For example, the Chinese assistant gadget for blind and visually impaired people Baidu DuLight looks like a miniature camera connected to an earpiece. AI recognizes the image from the camera and through the earpiece tells the owner what is in front of him: what is the road sign, what products are on the shelf in the refrigerator, what brand of clothing is in the store, and so on. Also, the AI ​​remembers and recognizes the faces of people and informs the owner when a friend, relative or acquaintance comes towards.

Replacing sellers and cash registers, AI increased store turnover by 50%

Replacing sellers and cash registers, AI increased store turnover by 50%

About 14% of purchases in the world went online, and in developed countries there are more and more non-cash payments (in Sweden - 98% of all payments, in the USA - 80% ). The next step in the automation of trade is retail, in particular, Amazon GO stores without sellers and cash desks.

After collecting goods from the shelves, the buyer simply leaves the store, and their cost is automatically debited from his Amazon account. This is monitored by the AI, which collects information from many channels: from  RFID tags on goods , video cameras in the hall, etc. As a result, buyers quickly and without queues make purchases, and the company reduces expenditure items such as salaries of sellers, maintenance of cash registers and collection. Overall, according to RBC Capital Markets analysts, Amazon Go stores average 50% more revenue than regular convenience stores.

AI creates advertising and art

AI creates advertising and art

In 2018, at a Christie's auction for $ 432,000, the painting “Portrait of Edmond Belami” was sold. It was created by artificial intelligence, having previously studied 15,000 portraits of the XIV-XX centuries. Moreover, the AI ​​had two independent parts: the “artist” painted pictures similar to a real portrait, and the “controller” evaluated each option as “real” or “artificial”.

AI also has talent in music - for example, the British startup Jukedeck composes electronic music, which non-specialists do not distinguish from sets of real DJs.

In addition, AI is already creating feature and commercial films. One system, having studied the best car ads, wrote a script for a Lexus ad . Another AI came up with the script, dialogs and music for the fantastic Sunspring short film, an anti-utopia in which robots took away work from people. The third seems to leave marketers and SMMs out of work. The Skolkovo resident Cubo platform analyzes various types of online advertising: SEO, context, email. For a week, AI develops an individual advertising strategy taking into account the specifics of the business and redistributes budgets for the advertising that leads customers. This reduces the visitor’s cost by up to 20% and increases conversion by 42%.

Questions about the future

Questions about the future

Artificial intelligence takes on new challenges, and the AI ​​market will grow from $ 37.5 billion in 2019 to $ 100 billion by 2023. This raises a lot of questions. Some are global: how to protect the interests of people in order to prevent the Sunspring scenario? Others are private, but no less complex. For example, who owns the rights to the work of AI - is he himself or the author of the algorithm? What AI products will get the right to enter people's lives?

The world seeks answers at universities, company headquarters, and global thematic conferences such as AI World in the USA, AI & Big Data Expo in the Netherlands. The next such online conference - Startup Village Livestream (May 21-22) - is organized by the largest Russian innovation center Skolkovo, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Experts and businessmen participate in such meetings to find ways to develop AI in a joint discussion. Those who plan to work with AI - to hear new ideas, find investors and launch their project. And all together - to lay the foundation for future relationships between people and AI.

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