10 Future Supercool Gadgets You Should Have In 2020

It seems that it is extremely difficult to surprise a modern person. In fact, this is not so. Despite the abundance of various techniques in our lives, something new constantly appears. It is on such devices that we will pay attention in this article. Presented to your attention the top 10 gadgets from the future. These are unique devices, which have no analogues. It is likely that they will change life and society in the very near future.

Electric rollers ACTON RocketSkates

Electric roller skating ACTON RocketSkates
Immediately the thought arises - what is it? At first glance, it’s not entirely clear, but only the wheels stand out clearly. They are the main element of the device, because in front of you are roller skates with their own intelligence, remote control and ... riding on their own. So what we have:

Design in general does not look like anything. There is a platform with two large wheels and one small rear. A frame is installed on it, inside of which there is an electric drive, a processor and communication modules. The foot is attached with special straps over the platform, partially recessed into the control structure. Everything is made of extremely durable plastic and looks more than futuristic. Electric rollers are ACTON's response to today's popular Segways and gyroboards: compact (230x210x200 mm), light (3 kg), convenient, fast.

Specifications will surprise many. The fact is that lithium-ion batteries (which last for 1.5 hours or 19 km, and a full charge from the outlet will take only 2.5 hours) and a 4-W 50 Hub DC motor are hidden inside a small design each (providing a maximum speed of up to 20 km / h). Also available is the BlueTooth 4.0 communication module. Maximum all user for riding on electric rollers 115 kg.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning the control system. It is carried out automatically. That is, the device independently starts moving at a given speed, and it is regulated by pressing the keys on the platform with the foot. A prerequisite for riding is the Acton App smartphone application - it activates the videos and shows their current status: speed, charge level and even represents a kind of social network for the owners of this device.

This gadget is a wonderful personal transport for the city dweller: small and comfortable. It is a pity that the state of domestic roads will not allow its use soon.

The price of ACTON RocketSkates in Russia is 60,000 rubles.

Hendo Hoverboard Flying Skateboard

Soaring Hendo Hoverboard
This device is not just a step into the future, but overcoming gravity for every inhabitant of our planet. Remember the flying boards from the movie "Back to the Future"? Yes, it’s such a device in front of you.

The design is simple, which only adds style. The hoverboard looks like an ordinary skate, only engines instead of wheels. That is, the user has a small smooth platform in his hands, on the lower part of which there are electromagnetic field generators. The colors and sizes are different - designed for both children and adults.

The developer keeps the technical characteristics of the design a secret, only the general principle of work is known. It is similar to the interaction of modern contactless trains and the corresponding rail cover. Special generators create an electromagnetic field that holds in the air both the train and the hoverboard. In fact, we are not even talking about a full-fledged anti-gravitator, but what we already can be considered a breakthrough in the scientific field. It is known for certain that the Hendo model stays in the air for about 9 minutes, at a distance of 7.5 cm from the surface and makes a loud noise due to the many components of the engines.

In addition, it must be said that at the moment only 10 prototypes of flying skateboards have been created. All of them have extremely limited functionality and are able to move only above a surface coated with non-ferrous metals (for example, copper). The manufacturer is working on improving the design and launching the model in mass production.

Well, the future "without gravity" is already near - all that remains is to wait for the results of the work of scientists.

The price of Hendo Hoverboard in Russia is 10,000 USD. The price of one engine generating an electromagnetic field for Hendo Hoverboard in Russia is 299 USD. How the device works, see below:

HI Life Smart Mirror
HI Life Smart Mirror Features
Do you think that admiring a mirror is the prerogative of only girls? This device will radically change this opinion, attracting to its surface all, without exception, family members.

The design can hardly be called original, because the user still has the same classic mirror surface. The only difference is that it is also a display, also a touch. Management is carried out by ordinary taps, and you can configure the displayed information in any convenient form. Voice commands are supported, as well as the connection of peripheral devices - a music center, scales and similar household modules.

Specifications are not disclosed, but it is known for certain that the mirror is equipped with a Wi-Fi module and has a pseudo-intelligence with digital sensors that analyze the environment. In favor of the latter, such opportunities as recognizing the gender of the person standing in front of the mirror, tips for applying makeup that best suits the shape and features of the face, and choosing the appropriate wardrobe are in favor. Also, HI Life is able to display data on the weather forecast, user health status, show reminders and plot routes on the map. This is not to mention the usual display of the date, time and even support for the function of electronic messages.

In addition, it is worth noting that the mirror has not yet been sold, although the prototype is completely ready and successfully passed the tests. The appearance on the market is expected in the near future.

Smart mirror in every home? Soon it will become a reality. The price of HI Life in Russia is still unknown. Look at the smart mirror in the video below:

Hob Whirlpool Interactive Cooktop
Cooking at Whirlpool Interactive Cooktop
This device has a narrow specialization - cooking various dishes. But the vastness of the functionality is simply amazing. Without a doubt, every housewife deserves such a smart assistant.

The design is quite simple. The gadget looks like a regular hob - a gray square. The only external difference is that Interactive Cooktop does not have the usual layout for comfort.

Technical characteristics of this plate will give odds even to many computers. The fact is that the specifications of the modules used were not disclosed, but judging by the functionality of the model from the TOP. First, the surface uses the spot heating method. This means that the place where the dishes are standing is heated. Theoretically, you can put a huge number of pans, pots and teapots, and all of them are heated according to a given temperature. Secondly, the stove is a multimedia complex. It connects to the Internet and independently controls the preparation of dishes, controlling the intensity of heating. And it does this according to the recipe stored in the device memory. Moreover, with the help of Cooktop it is possible to watch videos, communicate in social networks, surf sites. In fact, in front of you is a computer that knows how to cook.

Additionally known details about the control methods. So, the panel itself is touch-sensitive and responds to pressing. In addition, it obeys voice commands and even gestures.

The moment when automation will replace the hostesses in aprons is already close. And this stove is another impressive step on this path.

The price of Whirlpool Interactive Cooktop in Russia is still unknown, and mass production is planned to begin no earlier than 2020.

Athos - sportswear of the future
Girl in sportswear Athos
Need the most effective workouts? Then this kit will definitely come in handy. Of course, it does not replace physical exercises, but it is able to bring their quality to the highest level.

The design is not much different from standard clothing for athletes. The set includes tight-fitting jackets with long sleeves, shorts and capri pants. Clothing is penetrated by nanosensors, which, thanks to a snug fit to the body, read the parameters of the muscles.

Technically, the form works on BlueTooth connection version 4.0. Communicating with a user's personal smartphone, a set of clothes transmits information on several dozen indicators, including pulse, pressure, temperature, respiratory rate. And, more importantly, it shows the activity of the muscles in the zones and the loads they receive. Using this data, you can develop a training system suitable for each user and include only the most useful exercises in it.

In addition, you need to point out a not very pleasant fact - clothes are synchronized only with devices on iOS. True, the developers plan to make versions for Android and Windows, but do not name the exact dates.

Smart clothing that tells which sports exercises have the most positive effect is another novelty that makes life easier for a modern person.

The price of an Athos suit in Russia is 10,000 rubles.

Alcohoot breathalyzer

Alcohoot Breathalyzer Design
Control yourself during parties? Drive a car after a stormy party without being afraid of a police drag? Find out how innocently the gatherings with friends of a child went? Now it's simple and affordable with a new invention - a portable reusable breathalyzer.

The design is quite unusual. The device looks like a plate of gray or black in size about half a palm. The exact dimensions are 68x48x17 mm and weighs only 50 g. The device works in tandem with any smartphone, connecting through a regular headphone jack.

Technical specifications can not even be called such. The fact is that the design of the tester consists of only 3 elements: an electrochemical sensor, a lithium-ion battery and a replaceable mouthpiece. And the only parameter is the error of 0.01% BAC. The device is extremely simple, both externally and in operation.

In addition, it is worth noting that the device only works in conjunction with a mobile application, and certification is carried out in accordance with US and EU standards.

An interesting gadget that allows you to measure your level of intoxication with your smartphone.

The price of Alcohoot in Russia is 2000 rubles. For more details about the device, see below:

Temp traq - sensor for young parents

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Temp traq sensor on the child
How often did you have to sit over a sick child, controlling his temperature? Or get up several times a night to check the condition of the baby? With this device, you can forget about such problems, because he will do everything himself, and will report the results to his parents.

The design most resembles a patch, however, of large sizes. A white rectangle with a turquoise border glues directly to the child's body - it is quite soft and elastic, so it does not create any inconvenience to the baby. It is also important that the composition does not contain plastic, and the materials used are hypoallergenic.

Specifications have only 1 parameter - the BlueTooth version 4.0 transmitter is available. It is through such a connection that the data from the thermometer is transmitted to smartphone applications. The device measures the body temperature of the child during the day, keeps records of each result and transfers this information to the connected Android device. The application itself keeps records and records each measurement. There is also an emergency alert function if the temperature indicator exceeds certain values. Another interesting feature of the application is to connect several Temp traqs at once, assign them their own names and receive data from all devices at once. Useful for large families or specialized institutions.

Additionally, it is worth saying that the temperature is measured solely on the Fahrenheit scale. The developer does not mention the possibility of integrating degrees Celsius.

An extremely convenient device that most parents will appreciate. The only difficulty is that you have to get used to the foreign measurement scale.

The price of Temp traq in Russia is 3000 rubles. The specifics of the gadget in the video below:

Nymi Band Bracelet
Made as an analog of a fitness bracelet, this device is likely to turn into a personal security system in the near future.

The design is practically no different from similar models for sports. The bracelet looks like a thin rubberized strap with a lock and two sensors located in parallel. The colors are different. Pleasant to the touch, and extremely durable.

Technically, the bracelet works as follows: an electric discharge is created between two sensors. Passing through the wrist, he reads a heart rate indicator and transfers it to smartphone applications. The trick is that this method is an order of magnitude more accurate than conventional fitness bracelets. There is, of course, a minus - only the pulse is analyzed. Although similar models measure both pressure and temperature.

Additionally interesting is the fact that developers want to use heart rate as a personal password for various household systems. Testing of this functionality is still under development.

An interesting, and most importantly, an accurate pulse meter is useful to all athletes.

The price of Nymi Band in Russia is 5000 rubles.

Virtusphere Giant Sphere Simulator
The guy inside the Virtusphere sphere
Do VR glasses seem flawed and not worth the money? This device is their full alternative, offering a full virtual world.

The design is simple - a solid transparent sphere located on the chassis. The user inside moves freely, and the sphere spins underfoot, like a treadmill.

Technically, everything is complicated. To use this gadget you will also need a special helmet and manipulators, as well as appropriate software. Of course, with all this, a full and endless virtual world will unfold before your eyes.

In addition, it should be noted that this gadget has not yet been put on sale because of its incredibly high cost, the complexity of assembly and the banal lack of already created virtual worlds that you can take a walk on.

The manufacturer positions this device exclusively for games, although it can be used in many other areas. In any case, until the first virtual world appears, it will gather dust in the warehouse.

The price of Virtusphere in Russia is still unknown.

Singtrix - karaoke system of the future
Singtrix karaoke control panel
By far, this is the most important gadget for all lovers of karaoke in particular, and various music in general. The functionality, without exaggeration, is huge, and the interface is as simple as possible.

The design is strict and stylish. The device looks like a stand for microfloa, which it is. In addition to the microphone itself, there are several additional mounted modules that control the entire system.

The technical capabilities of the device are diverse. It can process a user's voice in hundreds of ways, even changing beyond recognition. There is also support for multiple microphones.

Additionally important is the fact that this gadget completely replaces home recording studios, offering a huge number of settings and options.

Of course, song lovers will be thrilled. The most enterprising, this device will even help start your own business in the music industry.

The price of Singtrix in Russia is 40,000 rubles.

The above TOP-10 gadgets from the future categorically declare that technological progress is leaps and bounds. A little more time will pass and the world will change beyond recognition thanks to such devices. Fortunately, those who read the article are ready for this.

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